Lifelong Learning at Quinnipiac


Micro-Credentials and Badges

Students analyze content on a laptop together.


Micro-Credentials and Badges

Quinnipiac’s extensive library of micro-credentials and digital badges are awarded to students to acknowledge their acquisition of specialized training, skills and abilities. Structured as a series of fast-paced and stackable courses, micro-credentials and badges provide learners with a unique indicator of their accomplishments to share with colleagues, managers and prospective employers.

What is a micro-credential?

Credly Logo

By earning a micro-credential, learners across a wide array of industries, verticals and professional fields are able to showcase the acquisition of specialized knowledge that offers unique value in the workplace. Micro-credentials are flexible and versatile, designed and delivered in an accelerated format by our experienced faculty and industry thought leaders who understand critical shortages and skills gaps.

All students who complete a micro-credential associated with academic credit or co-curricular experiences will receive a designation on their transcript and a digital badge through Credly. Micro-credential earners are encouraged to share their achievements on resumes, social media platforms and e-portfolios.

Learners can begin their pursuit of micro-credentials at any level; individuals who are new to the field are best suited for Participation or Level I badges, whereas experienced professionals might be more interested in advanced Level III Badges or Level IV Certifications. More information about our micro-credential taxonomy can be found below. 

From awareness to proficiency and mastery


These badges recognize that a professional or community member attended a physical or virtual course, conference or seminar and acknowledge the learner's introduction to a particular topic of interest.

Level I

These badges reflect the learner's acquisition of skills, vocabulary or best practices that will be beneficial and relevant outside of the classroom within an authentic working environment.

Level II

These badges signify that learners are able to perform or produce an observable product that will be useful in professional environments. Subject matter experts will evaluate the artifacts produced by learners for quality.

Level III

These badges are awarded to learners who have demonstrated mastery of tactical skills and knowledge that can be applied in professional working environments. Learners must showcase their ability to apply a collection of competencies or industry standards in true-to-life environments.

Level IV

The highest level of micro-credentials we offer, Level IV badges are recognized by employers as a means of identifying learners who are qualified and capable of performing particular skills or sharing specialized knowledge within professional environments.


These badges are awarded to learners who complete learning experiences that result in the achievement of industry-recognized professional certifications. These certifications demonstrate the individual's mastery across a collection of competencies that are immediately applicable within professional environments.

Explore Our Micro-Credentials

Learn more about each micro-credential opportunity at Quinnipiac, including intended audiences, credit status, delivery method, program dates, learning outcomes, expert faculty, registration information and more.